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Care Guide


Get in early on the suede protector as you can, we recommend that you apply a decent suede protection. We use Renapur on our own and find it works a treat.

Hold the spray can 30cm from the shoe in a well-ventilated area, spray evenly all over and leave to dry. All suedes are different in finish so try it out on non-obvious part of the shoe first, you will notice that the suede will darken, but that’s fine, it will return to its normal shade when dry. But please read and re read the instructions on the can, over use will make the shoes change shade and colour – you have been warned.

For an older pair or a pair that has a few marks and stubborn stains, we recommend using a cleaning brush to gently remove off any loose, dry dirt. A suede brush will do the trick, but please go easy on it, do not brush too hard. Do not rub back and forward, always keep a gentle brush in the same direction.

For more tougher stains please use a small amount of white vinegar. Using a clean cloth and gently rub the stained area, we cannot stress the point enough that gentle does it, too much of the vinegar could cause the colour too change. We are talking very very last resort using white vinegar.

Protection over cleaning all day long.


As with the suedes it’s a dry brush used to gently remove off any loose, dry dirt.

Then, use a leather balm to rehydrate the leather, again, just as with the suedes check out Renapur, they make some amazing balms to give life and protection to all our leathers. They haven’t paid us to say that, its just great stuff that we use and trust.

Whichever brand you use please read the instructions carefully and apply with a clean cloth and work it well into the leather to get that stuff into the leather itself. Buff your shoes with a different soft cloth, this is important, do not use the same cloth you used to apply the balm.

These leathers should last you years and years, but you will have to treat them well. We use well oiled and waxed leathers on our shoes, these kinds of leathers need looking after.

Caring for crepe.

Caring for crepe shoe soles is essential to maintain their longevity and appearance. Crepe soles are made from natural rubber and have a unique texture that provides excellent cushioning and grip. Here are some tips on how to care for them:

Regular Inspection:

Check your crepe soles regularly for signs of wear and tear. Look out for cracks, thinning, or any damage. If stored in a cold environment, the rubber will stiffen up and appear to harden and possibly lighten in shade, this is perfectly normal. When placed into a warmer environment for a short time the rubber will revert to its softer feel and regular shade. Flexing the shoe will speed this process up.

Basic Cleaning:

After each wear, wipe down the crepe soles with a damp cloth to remove surface dirt and debris. Use a soft-bristle brush to gently remove any stuck-on dirt or objects from the bottom of the sole. Avoid using harsh solvents or chemicals that can damage the natural rubber.

Proper Storage:

Store your shoes with crepe soles in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
Avoid extreme temperatures and humidity, as they can affect the rubber material.
Remember that crepe soles develop a natural patina over time, which adds character to your shoes. While keeping them clean is important, embrace the unique journey your crepe-soled shoes take as they accumulate memories and experiences.

If you have any questions on the above then just, please drop us a line, always happy to help and give guidance on how best to look after your Meanforme’s.
